How To Setup a BungeeCord Minecraft Server

8 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

BungeeCord is a Minecraft server proxy that allows you to link multiple Minecraft servers together

For this reason, you will need at least three SimpleGameHosting servers in order to use BungeeCord or its forks - Waterfall and Velocity

We do sell a "Proxy" server with only 512MB of RAM. This is designed for proxy server software, and it is what should be used in most cases. 

🚩 Once you have proxy server, you will also need to purchase two other servers. The servers behind the proxy can have any amount of RAM you want. They must be Paper or PurPur servers though as that server software is required for BungeeCord to work. 

Step 1: Logging Into the SimpleGameHosting Control Panel

With a proxy server and at least two other servers purchased, we can now get started installing BungeeCord. 

Get started by logging into the control panel. Then, select the Proxy server that you purchased. This is the server that will manage your BungeeCord Proxy. 


Step 2: Accessing the Versions Section

Once you select your Proxy server, click on the "Versions" tab in the menu bar. This is where you can manage all Minecraft server versions with your SimpleGameHosting servers, including proxy versions.


Step 3: Installing BungeeCord on Your Server

On the Versions page, click the drop-down in the "Version selector" section. Then, click on "Bungeecord". 


From there, click the "Install" button under the BungeeCord version you want. 


A box will appear that warns you about the potential of files being deleted when installing BungeeCord. This isn't a problem, but if you are worried about losing files, you can backup your server before installing.

Click the "Install" button in the dialogue box to install BungeeCord. When it is complete a "Version changed successfully" message will display. 


Step 4: Starting Your BungeeCord Server

Next, we want to start your BungeeCord server to generate the files required to link your other servers to it. 

Do this by going back to the "Console" tab, and starting or restarting your server using the buttons there.


Step 5: Gathering The IP Addresses of Your Other Servers

With your BungeeCord server created, we need to gather the IP addresses of the other two servers you are wanting to use on your BungeeCord network. 

📝 Note: You can add as many servers as you want to a BungeeCord network. We are just using two in this example.  

This can be done by navigating to the "Servers" area in the left-hand sidebar. Here, you will see all of the SimpleGameHosting servers you own. 


You can click on the IP addresses of the servers you want to add to your BungeeCord to copy them directly on this page. Paste these in a notepad document as we will need them in the next step. 


Step 6: Adding Your Servers to BungeeCord

Now that you have the IP addresses of all the servers that you want to add to your BungeeCord, let's get everything connected. 

Navigate to your BungeeCord Proxy server in the dashboard. Then, select the "File Manager" in the menu bar. 

🔗 This can also be done via SFTP if you prefer accessing your server files via that method. 

In the File Manager, locate the "config.yml" file in the main directory. Click on it to open it. 


In this file, you will see a "servers" setting, and by default, there will be a lobby listed. There will also be address, motd, and restricted settings. 


We will be copy-pasting these settings in order to add more servers. 

  1. lobby: Change this setting to the name you want your server to have when switching servers. For example, if you change this to "survival:", the server can be joined with /server survival in-game. If it is left as "lobby:", then you can access the server with /server lobby.
  2. motd: This is the message of the day for the back-end server. 
  3. address: Paste the IP address of the Paper/PurPur server that you found in Step 5. 
  4. restricted: Setting this to false means anyone can do it. Setting it true permissions restricts the server allowing only those with the bungeecord.server.{servername} permission to join.

Repeat the above process again for the second server. Just be sure to change the name of the server as well as the IP address.


Once you are finished, click the "Save Content" button to save the config.yml file. 


Step 7: Enabling IP Forwarding 

Before you close out of the BungeeCord config.yml though, locate the "ip_forward" setting. Change this to "true". 

It is worth noting that this will make your server less secure if you do not follow step 9 of this guide. Only enable IP forwarding if you are going to install BungeeGuard in step 9.

If you do enable it, save the config.yml with the "Save Content" button. 

Step 8: Configure Your Servers for BungeeCord

Now that your BungeeCord server is setup, we need to setup your other (backend) servers to work with BungeeCord. 

If you haven't already, install Paper or PurPur on your server. This is required in order to create a network server with BungeeCord.

From there, select one of the backend servers in the panel, and select the "File Manager" in the menu bar for that server. 


In the File Manager, click on the "" file to open. 


Then, find the "online-mode" setting and set to it false. Only set the online-mode setting to false if you are going to install BungeeGuard in step 9. If you don't install BungeeGuard, leave this setting true. 


Save the file with the "Save Content" button and navigate back to the File Manager. Then, open the "spigot.yml" file. 


In the spigot.yml, locate the "bungeecord" setting, and set this to true. This will allow BungeeCord to link to your backend server. 


🔁 Repeat this process for every backend Paper or PurPur server that you want to link to your BungeeCord network. 

Step 9: Setting Up BungeeGuard

 ⚠️ BungeeGuard is highly recommended and, in some cases, required to run a BungeeCord server securely. Do not skip this step!

BungeeCord installations are insecure by default. This is required in order to link the servers together. However, for this reason, you need to use BungeeGuard to make sure your BungeeCord server is secure

Step 1: Download BungeeGuard

In order to do this, download the BungeeGuard plugin. The same .jar file will be used on the BungeeCord and backend Paper/PurPur servers. 


Step 2: Install BungeeGuard on the BungeeCord Server

After you have BungeeGuard downloaded, we need to install it on your BungeeCord server

To do this, login to the SimpleGameHosting control panel, and select the "File Manager" tab. 


You will see a "plugins" folder. 


Open that folder, and click the "Upload" button in the top right. Select and upload the BungeeGuard.jar file into the plugins folder.


Step 3: Restart the BungeeCord Server

From there, navigate back to the "Console" tab and click the "Restart" button to restart your server. This will activate BungeeGuard. 


Step 4: Make Note of The token.yml

Navigate back to the File Manager and select the "plugins" folder. You will now have a "BungeeGuard" folder. 


Open this folder, and click the "token.yml". 


Here, you will see the token for your server. Copy this as you will need it later. 


Step 5: Install BungeeGuard on Your Backend Servers

With your token in hand, we need to install BungeeGuard on your backend server too. 

This is done just like any other Paper or PurPur plugin. We have a dedicated guide on adding plugins to your server, which will help you install BungeeGuard on your backend servers.

Once you have BungeeGuard installed on the backend servers, restart them. 

Step 6: Add the Token to the BungeeGuard config.yml

Finally, we need to add the token you got earlier to the config.yml for BungeeGuard on your backend servers

This can be done by selecting your backend server, and then going to the File Manager. From there, click the plugins folder, and open the BungeeGuard folder. 


There, you will see a config.yml. Click this to open it. 


You will see a "allowed-tokens:" section. Under this, you will see two filler lines. 

Replace the filler text on the first line with your token. The token should be within the ""


Once your token is added, save the file with the "Save Content" button. 

🔂 Repeat Steps 5 and 6 of setting up BungeeGuard on all of your backend servers. 

Step 10: Restart & Joining Your Server Network

Finally, with your and spigot.yml configured and BungeeGuard installed, restart all of your servers. 

At this point, you can join your server using the IP address on your BungeeCord server. 

When you do, you can use the /server servername command to change server. The server name is the name you defined in the BungeeCord config.yml from Step 6 of this guide. 


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