PaperMC is one of the most popular Minecraft server softwares. The reason for this is that it not only allows you to install plugins on your Minecraft server, it also reduces lag on Minecraft servers and gives you even more customization of what features your server has.
So, here is how to install PaperMC on a Minecraft server with SimpleGameHosting.
Step 1: Logging Into the SimpleGameHosting Control Panel
First things first, you will need to login to the SimpleGameHosting Control Panel.
🔗 If you haven't logged into the panel before, check out this guide on setting up your account and accessing the panel.
Step 2: Navigating To The Versions Manager
Once you have accessed the panel, click on the server that you want to add PaperMC to and click the "Versions" option in the menu bar.
This is where you can easily switch your Minecraft server version to anything you'd like.
Step 3: Install PaperMC on Your Server
In the versions section, click the drop-down at the top where it says "Version selector". Click on "Paper" in the drop-down.
All of the versions of PaperMC will appear. These versions correspond with Minecraft versions.
Find the Minecraft version you want to install Paper for, and click the "Install" button under that version.
You will get a warning that some of the elements of your server will be deleted when you install a new version.
⚠️ You may want to backup your server before installing Paper, just in case.
Finally, click "Install" in the pop-up, and Paper will begin installing on your Minecraft server. When it is complete, you will see a "Version changed successfully" message at the top of the Version selector.
Step 4: Activating Paper
With PaperMC installed on your server, you can now navigate back to the "Console" tab in the menu bar.
Once you are there, click the "Start" button to get your server online with PaperMC.
📚 From here, you can optimize your Paper server to reduce lag or add plugins to your server. The choice is up to you as you now have Paper on your Minecraft server!