How to Enable/Disable the End on a Minecraft Server

2 min. readlast update: 07.01.2024

The End is a dimension in Minecraft containing the game's final boss, and many other interesting things you can't find in the overworld. But let's say you didn't want your players or anyone else on the server to be able to access The End dimension. In this guide, we'll show you how to disable The End, and also enable it again if you change your mind!

🛑 Quick heads up! To have the necessary configuration files to disable the End, your server must be running either Paper or Purpur. We have guides to install both Paper or Purpur onto your Minecraft Server.

Step 1: Access Your File Manager In The Control Panel

To begin, you'll have to be logged into your SimpleGameHosting Game Control Panel. If you need help accessing this, we have a complete guide to accessing the panel to help you out!

When you're logged into the main page of the panel, select the server you want to disable / enable The End on. Once you do that, click the button at the top that says "File Manager" to go to your server's files.

Step 2: Open The "bukkit.yml" File

Inside your File Manager, look for the file called "bukkit.yml" and click on it to open it. Remember, your server will have to be running either Paper or Purpur to have this file. If you're not running Paper or Purpur, you can click on the guides at the top of this article to install it.

Step 3: Change the "allow-end" Setting

Once you open the bukkit.yml file, find a line in there that says "allow-end" and change the value from "true" to "false" if you want to disable the end. And then hit "Save Content" to save the changes.

If you want to enable The End instead, you can change the value to "true" and then save changes.

Step 4: Restart Your Server

For these changes to take place, you'll have to restart your server. Go back to the server's console by clicking the "Console" button at the top of the Panel, and then click the Restart button for your server to restart. When it turns back on, your End will be disabled or enabled, depending on what option you chose in the configuration file!

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