How to Reset the Nether on Your Server

1 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

In this quick guide, we'll show you how to reset the nether in your SimpleGameHosting Minecraft server!

⚠️ Note: You may want to backup your Minecraft server before installing Forge, so you don't accidentally lose data you don't want to lose.

Step One: Login to Your Control Panel

The first step is to login to your control panel and stop your server.

Then, make your way to the File Manager tab.

Step Two: Navigate to your World Folder

Once in the file manager, locate the world folder

Step Three: Delete the Dimension Folder

Once in the world folder, locate the DIM-1 folder, and click the three dots next to it.

Then, click the "Delete" option. 

Confirm you want to delete the folder, and you're done! Start your server and the Nether will be reset.

For Paper/Purpur Server

Follow the same steps, make your way to the File Manager, except you delete the world_nether in the file manager itself.

And you're done! Start your server and the Nether will be reset.

If you have any questions about your server or need additional support, reach out to our Support Team!  

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