This guide will show you how to add addons to your Minecraft: Bedrock server!
❗ All addons will require experimental mode to be enabled, here's a guide how to do that!
✋ You will also need SFTP for this, here's a guide on how to access that!
Step 1: Preparing the Add-on For Your Server
For this guide, we will be installing the "Origins" addon, but it should work for most Minecraft Bedrock Edition add-ons as long as they are server-compatible.
Start off by opening the SimpleGameHosting Control Panel, selecting your server and navigating to the "Console" tab. On this tab click the "Stop" button to stop your server while you install the add-on.
After downloading the addon, we need to extract it. Before we can do that though, you will need to turn the file into a .zip.
This can be done by changing the file extension from ".mcaddon" to ".zip".

You may need to enable "File Name Extenstions" in the view tab of File Explorer in order to view the .mcaddon file extension and change it.
When you change the file name extension, you will get a warning. This is normal! Click "Yes" to continue anyway.

Now, we need to extract the .zip file we have created. Right-click on the file, select "Extract" and the "Extract All".

Click the "Extract" button on the menu that appears and your Minecraft Bedrock Addon will now extract.
After it is extracted, you will have 2 folders, BP and RP, behavior pack and resource pack respectively.
Step 2: Preparing the Add-on For Your Server
Now, you'll need to access your server via an SFTP client.
🔗 Here is a
complete guide on accessing your server via SFT
P if you haven't done so yet.

Upload the BP folder to the bahavior_packs folder and the RP folder to the resource_packs folder.

Step 3: Create the Resource & Behavior Pack .json Files
Login to the SimpleGameHosting Panel and select your server.
Then, click on the "File Manager" tab at the top.
Navigate to the "Bedrock Level" folder in the worlds folder. Here will we need to create some files.
You can do this by hitting "New File" in the top right of the of the File Manager.
In this new file, paste the follow code.
"pack_id": "uuid here"
"version": [version number here]

Then, click "Create File" in the top right and name the first file "world_resource_packs.json".
Repeat the above process again. Click "New File" in the top right of the of the File Manager.
In this new file, paste the follow code.
"pack_id": "uuid here"
"version": [version number here]
Then, click "Create File" in the top right and name the first file "world_behavior_packs.json
You should now have two new files the world_resource_packs.json file and the world_behavior_packs.json file.

Step 4: Activating Your Behavior Pack & Resource Pack
Next, we're going to activate them by getting their UUID and Version ID.
Locate the "behavior_packs" folder and go to the folder for the behavior pack you just added to the server.

Then locate the "manifest.json" file and click on it to open it.

Here, you're going to copy the UUID and Version ID.

Navigate back to world_behavior_packs.json you created, and copy the UUID and the Version ID respectively into their locations in this file.

Do the same process for the resource pack. Locate the "resource_packs" folder and go to the folder for the resource pack you just added to the server.

Then locate the "manifest.json" file and click on it to open it.

Here, you're going to copy the UUID and Version ID.

Navigate back to world_resource_packs.json file you created, and copy the UUID and the Version ID respectively into their locations in this file.

Step 5: Starting Your Server
Now that the add-on is installed and activated on your Minecraft server, open the SimpleGameHosting Control Panel.
Go to the "Console" page and click the "Start" button to start your server and bring it online with your new Minecraft Bedrock add-on installed!