How to Change the Player Count Display for Your Minecraft Server

3 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Are you looking to make your Minecraft server appear more lively? Or perhaps you're striving for a more exclusive, intimate atmosphere? The displayed player count for your server can significantly influence the first impression it makes on potential players. This article will guide you through alternating this count using the SimpleGameHosting control panel. 

⚡️ The process allows you to change the number of available player slots shown to the public, which can impact the perceived activity of your server. However, it's crucial to remember that this adjustment only affects the displayed player count, not your server's actual performance or hardware capacity.


⛏️ Looking for more server customization tips? Check out our full list of helpful guides on customizing your server here

Changing Your Player Count Display

Step One: Access the SGH Control Panel

In order to get started changing the displayed available slots open on your Minecraft server, you'll first need to access your SimpleGameHosting Control panel. 

Open a new tab, and navigate to your dashboard:

Once there, enter your login credentials, and hit "Login" to be taken to your panel. 

👋 Quick Note: You should have received a signup email after initially purchasing your server. If you didn't get one, reach out to our Live Chat support on our website. 

After you've logged in, you'll be taken straight into the dashboard. This is where you can quickly manage any of your servers.


Locate the server you want to edit, and hit "Manage Server." 

Step 2: Shut Down Your Server

Once you're on the Console page of the panel, you should see a terminal window with a red "Stop" button. Click "Stop" to safely shut down your server. 

Before proceeding, ensure that your console reads "Server marked as offline..."


Step 3: Setting the Available Player Slots

From here, you will need to access the File Manager in the menu bar. This will take you to the home/container folder with all your server files. 

👉 For Advanced Users: You can access your SGH files using SFTP. Check out our guide here. 

While you're on the /home/container page, locate the '' file in the manager.

In your properties file, you will see a line starting with 'max-players' with a number (usually 20 for a clean Vanilla server) after. You can change the number here to something else that suits your server. 


Once you're done, be sure to hit the "Save Content" button in the top right corner of the file editor. Otherwise, your changes will not display. 

Step 4: Restart Your Server

Head back to the Console page in the menu bar, and locate the terminal/console window. Hit the purple "Start" button to boot up your server. 


After your server boots up successfully, you can launch Minecraft on your computer. Go to the Multiplayer tab in-game, and be sure to add your server to the server list here. 

If you don't have your server saved to your Multiplayer list already, you can quickly copy your server's IP by hitting the two squares next to the IP on the console page. Then, you can quickly paste it into Minecraft without having to remember it. 

You should now see your new player count displayed next to your server name and icon!


🤔 Not working? Try this. If you already had Minecraft open in the background, you will need to press the "refresh" button in-game for the changes to be visible. 

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