How To Add Scheduled Commands to Your Minecraft Server

3 min. readlast update: 09.09.2024

Want to automate some tasks with your server? The scheduler tool is an amazing way to do so! This guide will go over the basics of the Schedules tab so that you can add some automation to your server!

Step 1: Log In to your Game Panel

To get started, login to the SimpleGame Hosting panel and select your server. 

Step 2: Navigate to the Schedules Tab and Create a Schedule

You'll then get a popup like the one shown below:

Going from top down, you'll first have your "Schedule Name". This is just the name of your schedule, so name it whatever you'd like!

Next, you have the interval of your schedule. This dictates when the scheduled tasks will occur. The cheatsheet toggle below this is a useful guide to using the interval settings, but you can also check out the website Crontab for a more accurate representation.

Note: The time you set here is based off of Eastern Standard Time. Be sure to convert your times into this so that the schedule works at the right time!

The "Only When Server is Online" toggle tells the schedule to only run if the server is running. This can be toggled off for certain automation such as backups.

The "Schedule Enabled", as the name implies, enables or disables the schedule.

After you've set your desired values, hit "Create Schedule". You'll be greeted with a new schedule in your Schedules tab as shown below:

This particular schedule is set to run once every hour. To assign tasks to a schedule, simply click on the new schedule. You'll be greeted with a new screen:

You can edit any of the values you set earlier by pressing the "Edit" button.

To add tasks to your schedule, hit "New Task". Afterwards, you'll be taken to the Create Task screen:

The "Action" dropdown has three options: "Send Command", "Send Power Action", and "Create Backup".

Send Command

Send Command will send a command listed in the "Payload" section to the server console. A common use for this is the "say" command, which will send a text to everyone within the server. For example: "say Hello!" will send "Hello!" to everyone within the server. Generally, you can use this as a way to warn of an upcoming restart or backup.

Send Power Action

Send Power Action allows you to Start, Restart, or Stop the server, similarly to how you would manually do it within the console tab using the three buttons.

Create Backup

Create Backup, as the name implies, creates a backup within the backups tab when the task is executed. You can set files to be ignored by setting them in the "ignored files" section.

Schedule Settings

The Time Offset is the number of seconds the task will wait after the previous task is completed. The max value is 300 seconds, or 5 minutes. For example, lets say I have two tasks: One prints a message using the "say" command that says "Server restarting in 5 minutes!". The second, with a time offset of 300 seconds, sends a power action to restart the server. Once the first task completes, the server will wait five minutes, then execute the restart command.

The "Continue on Failure" option determines whether or not tasks after this one should be triggered should the task fail.

Once you've set your desired tasks, you're all set! The server will now run the desired tasks according to the time you set on the schedule!

๐Ÿ‘‹ If you're having issues with schedules, reach out to our support team on live chat! We're happy to help get scheduling setup on your server. 

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