How To Add A Resource Pack to Your Minecraft Server

1 min. readlast update: 11.29.2023

Adding a resource pack to your Minecraft server can enhance the overall experience for your players, providing custom textures, sounds, and other assets. This can be a great way to make your server feel more unique and custom for players. This guide shows you how to add a texture pack to your Minecraft server having it prompt users to download the pack when they join the server. 

Quick Guide

  1. Access the SimpleGameHosting Panel and select your server. 
  2. Select the “File Manager” tab on the game panel. 
  3. Click the "" file to open it. 
  4. You will see a “resource-pack=“ setting. Add a direct link to the resource pack here. (By direct we mean where if you go to the link the download starts automatically. You can get this from Google Drive, Dropbox, or other online storage providers.)
  5. Click the "Save Content" button to save the file after adding the link. 
  6. Go back to the "Console" tab and click the "Restart" or "Start" button to activate the change. 

When users join the server for the first time, they will now be prompted to download the texture pack.  

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