Common Clientsided Mods to Watch For

2 min. readlast update: 08.16.2024

One of the more common issues with newly modded servers is the inclusion of client-side mods. This guide will go over some of the common offenders that may cause server issues!

What is a client-side mod?

A client-side mod is simply a mod that only affects the client it is installed on. Most of these mods are based around FPS performance, but some can also be used for cosmetic or gameplay purposes, such as shaders. Client-side mods, as the name suggests, do not need to be installed onto a server to work. Client-side mods also do not prevent you from joining modded servers, so long as you have all non-client-side mods installed as well.

Common Client-side Mods

Despite most client-side mods disabling themselves if installed to the server, there are many that will cause issues or even prevent the server from starting in the first place. Below is a small list of common client-side mods that are known to cause issues, but this list is NOT exhaustive!

Client-side Mods that may Prevent Servers from Starting

❗ The following list details mods that will likely prevent servers from starting. These mods should be excluded from any custom modpacks you want to upload to the server. If the server crashes due to one of these mods, it will likely generate a crash report or show up in the console during startup! You can find the crash logs by following this guide!

  • 3D Layer Skins
  • Blur
  • Cartography
  • CustomMainMenu
  • Darkness
  • Embeddium
  • Entity Model Features
  • Entity Texture Features
  • Iris Shaders
  • ItemPhysicLite
  • Oculus
  • Oculus Render Fix (OCRenderFix)
  • Optifine
  • Reforgium
  • Rubidium (And all submods)
  • SkinLayers3D
  • Sodium
  • True Darkness
  • NotEnoughAnimations

Other Client-side Mods to Watch For

❔ These mods may or may not cause issues for the server, but it would be best to remove them anyway to prevent any potentional ones that might spring up.

  • AmbientSounds
  • Better Third Person
  • FallingLeaves
  • Just Zoom
  • Model Gap Fix
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • ResourceLoader
  • Sounds Physics Remastered
  • Visuality
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